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Book cover design

Разработка Дизайна книги. Обложка + иллюстрации. Книга "Кейт о Карьере"  о карьерном развитии и психологии.
Book design development. Cover + illustration. The book "Kate on Career" is about career development and psychology.

The author of the book suggests starting your career with research
yourself - find out your strengths and weaknesses, talents and achievements,
fears and values. Will tell you how to use these qualities in your work
and build a career plan. Share knowledge on how
build relationships with your boss and colleagues, work
on making you visible: personal branding and networking.
From the book you will learn how not only to get a good job,
but also to grow systematically without burnout in order to achieve
“career zenith”—the point when your talents, motivators,
the values ​​coincide and you begin to work effectively,
receive recognition from your boss, colleagues for this,
and, of course, decent wages.
  Екатерина (Кейт) Попова — карьерный стратег и консультант, HR-эксперт с опытом более 16 лет. Работала в таких компаниях как KPMG, IBM, Gett, Банки.ру, Райффайзенбанк. Окончила факультет социальной психологии МГППУ, а также получила степень магистра по HR в Kingston University London. Училась и преподавала в Школе Карьерного Менеджмента. Автор курса по карьерному консультированию и популярного блога «Кейт о карьере» в нескольких соцсетях

Автор книги дала интервью на YouTube канале .
 Где она рассказывала о создании книги, через что автор прошел и какие эмоции испытал в процессе создания. 
 Автор делилась своими впечатлениями и жизненным опытом. 

Ekaterina (Kate) Popova is a career strategist and
consultant, HR expert with more than 16 years of experience.
Worked in such companies as KPMG, IBM,
Gett,, Raiffeisenbank. Graduated
Faculty of Social Psychology, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education,
and also received a master's degree in HR
at Kingston University London. I studied and
taught at the School of Career Management.
Author of the career counseling course
and the popular blog "Kate on Careers"
on several social networks
The author of the book gave an interview on the YouTube channel
Where she talked about the creation of the book, what the author went through and what emotions he experienced in the process of creating the book.
The author shared her impressions and life experiences.
Book cover design


Book cover design
